Why Your Car Beeps After Closing The Door and Walking Away Explained

Today’s cars are improving in technological features and have plenty of different systems that allow you to use them conveniently. That said, there are some cars that have a feature that allows them to automatically lock when you close the door and leave the vehicle. However, in such cars, there are some instances when the vehicle keeps on beeping upon closing the door. So, why does the car beep when you close the door?

When your car beeps when you close the door, it is most likely that your car has a walk away auto lock function. In such an instance, the car will beep because the key is still in the car, the hood or one of the doors is open, the vehicle is not turned off, or you might have walked away too fast.

While it might be true that some of the technologies that we have in our vehicles are actually very convenient, there are still instances when they can be inconvenient. This is true when we don’t fully understand the features that our cars have, and that is the case when your car has a walk away lock feature that you probably don’t fully understand.

Why does my car beep when I close the door?

The newer cars that we have today tend to have different features that are made to make things more convenient for us. Of course, it is also important for us to make sure that we know how to use such features and how these features work, especially when they were designed for the security of our vehicles.

In that regard, some of the most common features that today’s vehicles have are related to the security of our cars. One such example is when the car automatically locks without the need to press a button as you leave the vehicle. However, there are some instances where people notice that the car keeps on beeping when you close the door and walk away from the vehicle. So, why does that happen?

Your car beeps when you close the door due to a lot of different reasons. However, the reasons are almost always related to the walk away lock function that your car has. That said, here are some of the more common reasons why your car beeps when you close the door:

  • You left the key or the smart entry remote inside the car when you left it. This will cause the car to beep because it is telling you that the remote is still inside the vehicle.
  • The car is beeping because you left one of the doors open or not fully closed when you closed the driver’s seat door. This can also happen when the hood or one of the entryways is left open.
  • If you leave the car on, and when you close the door while the remote or the key is in your possession, the car will beep. The reason is that the car is warning you that anyone can basically enter the vehicle and use it.
  • It may also be possible that the car is beeping because you walked away too quickly. Make sure that you stay within a distance of about 5 feet away from the vehicle after you get out and close the door. You may have to wait for your car to confirm that it has already locked the doors. This may come in the form of a second beep as you walk away from it.
  • There is also a chance that your phone may be interfering with the signal between the remote and the car. This isn’t as common as some of the other reasons, but it can still happen.

As you can see, all of the different reasons why your car is beeping when you close the door are related to a problem regarding the auto-lock feature that engages when you walk away from the car. The purpose of the beep is to allow you to know that the car will not lock when you walk away from it. As such, it is also a warning feature that will allow you to know that your car’s security is compromised.

What is walk away lock?

We have talked about the reasons why your car is beeping when you close the door. Of course, we also said that the beeping is usually related to the car’s walk away lock feature. But what exactly is this feature?

Cars that have a walk away lock function usually have a smart entry system as well. So, what happens here is that, as long as you have your car’s key or remote in your hands when you turn the car off and walk away from it after closing the door, the locks on the doors will automatically engage. This usually happens when you are already more than five feet away from the vehicle. You will notice the system engaging when the car gives you a beep.

The reason why the walk away lock feature is usually paired with the smart entry system is that it allows you to enter or exit your vehicle without having to press the unlock or lock button on your key. This allows you to use your car conveniently as long as you have the remote or key on your person.

How to use walk away lock?

If you want to stop the beeping on your car when you close the door, you need to know how to use the walk away lock feature on it. Here are the things you need to know to make sure that you are using this feature properly.

  • Turn the vehicle off completely. Don’t just turn the engine off because you need to turn the entire car off.
  • As you exit the vehicle, make sure that the keys are on your person. Leaving the remote or the keys in the car will not engage the walk away lock feature.
  • As you are within 5 feet from the vehicle, you will hear the car beeping once. From there, make sure that you are carrying the remote or the key as you walk away from the car. 
  • When you are already more than 5 feet from the car, you will see the exterior lights flashing. The beeper will beep again, and all of the doors will lock.




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