What Color Car Paint Hides Scratches Best?

Owning a car means making sure that it looks clean and as good as new by maintaining its paint really well. However, as much as we would like to make our car look as good as new, there will be instances where it might be impossible for us to hide scratches that can be quite normal for any car because of all the debris and small pebbles that can graze a car on a regular basis. In that sense, what car color tends to hide scratches the best?

White and silver tend to be the best colors for hiding scratches on your car because these colors are close to the color of scratches, which simply expose the natural metallic color hiding underneath the paint of the car. So, if you want to go with a paint color that hides scratches, go with lighter colors like white and silver.

While light car colors like white tend to get plenty of negative reactions because they tend to show dirt and rust more than other car colors do, they actually are the best at hiding scratches. In that sense, it becomes a give-and-take situation for them as they simply are better than most car colors at keeping scratches seemingly at the minimum.

What is the best car color to hide scratches?

For those who have cars, one of the most important parts of being a car owner is maintaining the appearance of your car. You would want to make sure that your car stays in top shape as far as both its performance and its looks are concerned. And if your car won’t perform like a brand-new one, at least you can do your part to make it look as good as new.

Of course, there are some things that cannot be avoided no matter how well you do maintain and take care of your car. There will be instances where you would end up going through rides or journeys where small debris and rocks get carried by the wind and will hit or graze your car. In such instances, your car’s paint job might end up getting scratched.

So, while scratches are indeed unavoidable with your car, is there any way for you to make sure that you get to hide the scratches on your car as much as possible when it comes to the car color you choose? Apparently, there is.

In fact, you can choose a car color that would actually be best for hiding car scratches. And the car colors that tend to do it best are the ones that are as light as possible or as close to the car’s natural metallic color. This includes white, silver, or grey.

The reason why these colors best hide scratches are plenty and varied. First off, your car’s natural color tends to be metallic silver, so choosing a car color that is close to that color will hide scratches considering that scratches on your car will simply chip off the paint and reveal the natural color of your car. Meanwhile, lighter cars are able to blend well with scratches and will make it less likely for people to notice the scratches. And, of course, lighter colors tend to attract attention away from the scratches such that people will hardly notice that there are some scratches on your car.

So, if you want to choose a car color that can best hide scratches, go with colors such as white, silver, grey, or any other colors that are similar or close to that of these colors. 

Worst car color for scratches

So, at the same time, while there are car colors that are great at hiding scratches, there are also car colors that do a bad job at keeping these scratches hidden. And, as you might have guessed, these colors are the opposites of the ones we have previously stated.

That said, the worst car color for hiding scratches tends to be the darker colors such as black or red because they don’t blend well with the color of a scratch. They are also dark enough that they would detract the attention of people away from the car’s color such that they would immediately notice the scratches on a car.

Simply put, the reasons why darker colors are more likely to reveal scratches are the opposites of why lighter-colored cars are capable of hiding scratches better. So, if you feel like you are going to end up scratching your car’s paint job a lot, it might be best for you to stay clear from the darker colors such as black or even darker shades of blue and red.

How to prevent car scratches

If you want to minimize the scratches on your car regardless of what car color you have (because you probably don’t want to go with the lighter colors like white), there are preventive measures that would help decrease the chances of ending up with a scratched-up car.

First off, drive and park carefully. There are no two ways about it. The more careful you are with your driving and parking, the less likely you would end up hitting objects that would easily scratch your car.

Second, handwash your car as much as you can. Automatic carwashes are not the most ideal at keeping your car scratch-free although they are quite handy for those who are pressed for time. But if you want to minimize scratches on your car, handwash it regularly because handwashing gives you a greater degree of control over how you wash your car.

And third, wax your car regularly. The purpose of waxing your car is to not only make your car shinier and looking brand-new but to also add a layer of protection that would make it more difficult for foreign objects such as small debris and rocks from scratching your car even if they do graze or hit the paint of your car.

How to hide car scratches

So, if you already have scratches on your car and you want to hide them because you have a car color that does a bad job at hiding them or because you just simply want to hide the scratches, you can use Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover, which is one of the best-selling car scratch removal products on Amazon. It is great at repairing car scratches while buffing up your car’s paint job so that it would end up looking as new and as scratch-free as possible.




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